
La influencer que sobrevivió a la anorexia tras 12 años luchando y ahora sirve de ejemplo

La influencer que sobrevivió a la anorexia tras 12 años luchando y ahora sirve de ejemplo

Quiere usar las redes para concienciar y enviar mensajes de fuerza y ánimo


Domingo, 11 de febrero 2018, 10:03

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Connie Inglis, una joven de Leeds, Reino Unido, ha estado luchando contra la anorexia 12 años. Ahora, está totalmente recuperada y quiere usar su poder en las redes, donde tiene más de 88.000 seguidores, para animar a la gente a que quiera su cuerpo y se alejen de los problemas..

Hace dos años esta joven pesaba lo mismo que un niño de 5 años, pero tras estar ingresada tres veces en el hospital porque su vida corría peligro Connie ha ganado la lucha. Su Instagram está lleno de fotografías que lanzan mensajes de ánimo para otras personas que están pasando por lo mismo. Y reivindica una y otra vez su amor por su actual cuerpo sano.

Im finally seeing the light!!!! TW eating disorders 💙 💙 Firstly I want to say this is not a look how skinny I was or look how well I've done post. This is to hopefully show you that no matter how lost you are in your own head, it is possible to escape! It is possible to find happiness again!!! 💙 💙 Secondly you do not have to be this shape, size colour or gender for your struggles to matter! You are always deserving of help if you are struggling!!! 💙 💙 Last year I was sectioned under the mental health act. I was so ill I was doing everything I could think of to not take in ANYTHING. I had given up. My eating disorder had taken over and I wanted to die. So I was sectioned and forced to get better. I was put on an ng tube. I was forced to watch as the scale went up every week and I could do nothing about it. (Not that I didn't try) Last year I was a mess. 💙 💙 But the people I loved stayed by me. My best friends and my boyfriend came to see me all the time and my parents where there every day. They where there to remind me to try. So I did. For the first time in my life I realised that I loved these people more than my ed. so I fought, I fought like hell!!! 💙 💙 I'm not telling you this for sympathy or to diminish anyone's struggles, (everyone's struggle is valid!!! No matter how long it takes!!) I’ve been in this for 10 years now and I still struggle but I can see the light now. I know that the fight is worth it. I know that the scales don’t mean a thing. And I want you to know that it is possible!!!!! It is possible to get out of the darkness! No not all my problems have gone away. Yes I still have the thoughts. But I am strong enough now to resist! Keep going! You can get through this hell and I will be with you every step of the way!!! We can do this together!!!! 💙💛💜 (No questions about weight please!!) #positivebeatsperfect

Una publicación compartida de Connie💜🦄Positive.beats.perfect (@my_life_without_ana) el

La influencer ha dado una entrevista a la ‘BBC’ en la que ha reconocido cómo sentía su problema: “Solo quería perder peso, llegué al punto de que estar en el hospital no era suficiente. Lo único que me parecía bien es que mi corazón se detuviese”. La propia BBC está preparando un documental en el que contará la vida de la joven.

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